RT @TamasGorbe: Who discovered the Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector? It wasn't Laplace, nor Runge, nor Lenz... Who then? Probably Jakob Hermann…
RT @TamasGorbe: Who discovered the Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector? It wasn't Laplace, nor Runge, nor Lenz... Who then? Probably Jakob Hermann…
RT @TamasGorbe: Who discovered the Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector? It wasn't Laplace, nor Runge, nor Lenz... Who then? Probably Jakob Hermann…
Who discovered the Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector? It wasn't Laplace, nor Runge, nor Lenz... Who then? Probably Jakob Hermann and Johann Bernoulli in 1710. https://t.co/6BZLzfdxFD 1710 Hermann & Bernoulli 1798 Laplace 1842 Jacobi 1845 Hamilton 1919 Runge
@johncarlosbaez @rsachsgmu It was probably Jakob Hermann and Johann Bernoulli in 1710. See Goldstein's papers on the topic https://t.co/GF1iB4Qn49 https://t.co/6BZLzfdxFD 1710 Jakob Hermann 1710 Johann Bernoulli 1798 Laplace 1842 Jacobi 1845 Hamilton 191